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Have you ever placed an ad to find a birthparent? - Printable Version

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Have you ever placed an ad to find a birthparent? - vmarie84 - 11-09-2012 08:23 PM

I just saw that Facebook has free advertising. You can even regulate the ad to be displayed to whatever age group, location, or gender you want. Do you think it's worth a try to find my birthmother and brother?
Well, there might be a small fee. But think of all the people you'd reach.

- jayne - 11-09-2012 08:32 PM

My niece (brother's child) was placed for adoption 19 years ago and I wish we could find her. If your birth family is looking for you they might come across your ad. Stranger things have happened!

- Pip - 11-09-2012 08:32 PM

Yes, it's worth the chance as people do find family members on social networking sites. As much as I dislike it's also worth going on there if you haven't yet. I have managed to help a few British people on there and I know there are other success stories on

- LC - 11-09-2012 08:32 PM

It is worth a few dollars to try.

- Ferbs - 11-09-2012 08:32 PM

We have tried that once.
Wouldn't do it again.
It made me feel slimy at the time and I should I have listened to my gut.
If it's meant to be...then it will be.

P.S. You don't find birtharents. You find parents. Birthparents ONLY APPLY post adoption.

ETA: Incredibly poor understanding of the question. My apologies and bring on the TD...deserved for sure!

- H****** - 11-09-2012 08:32 PM

Yes. Every year on my birthday for around 19 years.

I had more success with registries and private investigators though. Others get lucky and find their people with ads though so yes, it's worth it.

Best of luck.

- julie j - 11-09-2012 08:32 PM

Hi VMarie84,

Yes, I think it would be worth it to try that, especially since they can narrow down the demographics for you. There's a very wide potential audience there. One of them could be one of your relatives. Almost everybody has a Facebook account these days or knows someone who does. The more exposure you get, the more likely you will find who you are looking for. If I were you, I would try every avenue possible. Don't forget to register on International Soundex Reunion Registry too. It's also free. (That's how I was reconnected with my family members.) I wish you the best of luck!

julie j
reunited adult adoptee

- 7rin - 11-09-2012 08:32 PM

I'd say go for it, if it's something you can afford, but also, try not to pin all of your hopes on it.

I found my bfam on Facebook after ten years of plastering my details on to every free "adoptee list" I could find.

Good luck - and trust me, from someone who's been in reunion for a few months, GET COUNSELLING! Smile