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What ar eyour thoughts about the dad who shot his daughter's laptop? - Printable Version

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What ar eyour thoughts about the dad who shot his daughter's laptop? - Amanda C - 11-09-2012 08:26 PM

Personally, I think he derserves Kudos. Parents, what are your thoughts? Agree or disagree?

- Diana Derochie - 11-09-2012 08:35 PM

well it was a bit dranstic...but he did tell her in the heat of anger in the past he would put a bullet through her laptop if she did it I say good for him he followed through!!!!!

- PetMom - 11-09-2012 08:35 PM

As I have said before, it was extreme. We don't know enough about the situation to pass judgment on whether or not extreme was the best alternative. An eight minute video is a tiny, tiny window into someones life.

However, he mentions that he had presented this consequence in regards to a previous similar experience with his child. He followed through and deserves credit for that.

- Cassandra - 11-09-2012 08:35 PM

It's over the top.

- angel - 11-09-2012 08:35 PM

Well I guess she won't post such Bull of FB anymore!

- MPH - 11-09-2012 08:35 PM

I think he did the right thing. She aired their dirty laundry so he did too. It's time for more parents to stand up and have his kind of guts.

Daddy don't play!

- Mrs. M - 11-09-2012 08:35 PM

way to go dad!
i'd of done the same thing, but since i dont have a gun, i'd used a bat.

- hi - 11-09-2012 08:35 PM

Bravo Daddyo !!!!
that will fix her !!

- Amy K - 11-09-2012 08:35 PM

Disagree. Parenting isn't about getting a child to do what you want. It is about raising a child into becoming a healthy, happy, stable adult. What is the purpose of his discipline? What did she do wrong? It appears that she was being a typical teenager and ranting about her parents to her friends. She may have even been PMSing. She felt safe expressing her feelings because she used facebook privacy settings to lock her parents out of seeing her status. What she said was never meant for the whole world to see. Mentally healthy people need to blow off steam every now and again to their friends. Her father then hacked her account and saw a post that was not meant for him to see. If a father publicly humiliates his daughter by opening up his facebook wall to the public, posting a video on youtube, and puts his daughter in danger of being bullied by her classmates, being bullied by strangers on the internet, does that make him a good parent? Worse yet, by making his privacy settings public and by having other videos on his youtube account, a person can easily figure out where she lives, where she goes to school, where she goes to church, who her relatives are, and where her parents work. The way people are talking about her, it worries me that the whole world has that information. Parenting is also about keeping your child safe. A firearm is not a parenting tool, and neither is public humiliation.

- bunny_kisses - 11-09-2012 08:35 PM

I hope his kid never talks to him again, Hes a horrible parent that does not give a damn about his kid and has failed to raise his child.He should me more involved in her life to notice this, she wants attention dude.