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What do I say to a woman that's on my husband's facebook that flirted with him when she stayed in our home? - Printable Version

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What do I say to a woman that's on my husband's facebook that flirted with him when she stayed in our home? - Theresa F - 11-09-2012 08:41 PM

A year ago some friends came to stay at our house and they brought along their single sister who is very good looking. She flirted big time with my husband. I stayed cool and never did anything to him or her.Now I just saw that she's on my husband's facebook as a friend of his. It burns me up and I think she has a lot of nerve after her behavior in my home with him.

- Cracker Jack - 11-09-2012 08:49 PM

Facebook doesn't matter. If you can get stressed about that garbage, you needn't be married.

- miss.confused - 11-09-2012 08:49 PM

talk to your dad about it

- The Jenz - 11-09-2012 08:49 PM

If I were you, I'd be very cautious with things like this. I would "friend" her and see if she accepts. If not, then she apparently has ulterior motives.

You should also tell your husband your concerns. Tell him that you felt there was flirting going on when she was there, and that you are weary of her being his friend on Facebook. You are married, you need to be able to have adult conversations w/o the fear of arguing.

- MandaFae - 11-09-2012 08:49 PM

Facebook does matter... I would just beware of the situation and make sure it doesnt go any further!

- Erin - 11-09-2012 08:49 PM

he should know better. but in his defense if you never said anything to either of them maybe they dont know they did anything wrong? I would adress your husband about it, if he freaks out or overreacts something might be up. It's just facebook but if it makes you uncomfortable, he should be understanding and what you think should be more important than being her friend on facebook.

- wildcat68 - 11-09-2012 08:49 PM

sounds like bull crap to me. both of them are up to something. kick some ass girl!

- joe f - 11-09-2012 08:49 PM

That is YOUR fault.You gave her the ok by not saying anything to her about it when she was in your home acting like a slut.You grow a backbone and tell him he is going to drop her as a friend and then make him call her and tell her not to contact him anymore.

- akrus - 11-09-2012 08:49 PM

Since you have been on his face book and can clearly see her. Chat her. I would tell her in the nicest way you don't think she needs to be talking to your married man. She's gonna respest the honesty. And even if you feel awkward you will be getting your point across.And I would let him know that it steams you and make sure he doesn't make you feel anything less than in the right.

- Mike - 11-09-2012 08:49 PM

confront him.tell him your not comfortable with her being on his account.and tell him you would like him to delete her because you know she was flirting with him and he is a married man.if he gives you any crap over it you may want to rethink your marriage.i don't want to see you break up but he knows shes a slut believe a man and have been married to the same woman since i was 19 im now 38 and i have had my experience in this exact can show this to your husband and ill tell him that girl is nothing but trouble,believe me.