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Should i feel worried or threatened by other girls ? - Printable Version

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Should i feel worried or threatened by other girls ? - ♥ - 11-09-2012 08:43 PM

Girls are always posting on my boyfriends wall on facebook. At first I didn't care at all until my friends started speaking about it and stuff now I'm more concious of it they said I should be worried/threatened just incase. We've been together a month. And we are both 17. I just want advice tbh.

- robert r - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

if your bf likes you enough then it won't be a problem

- miss know-it-all - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

Don't feel threatened if the posts aren't flirty. He's probably jsut the type of guy to have lots of girl-friends. If it bothers you a lot, i'd ask him about it say "you have so many girls posting on your wall all the time! are they your friends?" im sure its nothing to worry about. =]

- Khari Robinson - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

No don't even stress it. The last thing a man needs is a nosy/controlling GF. Just try and trust him that he won't mess around behind your back. And if you knew he was like that in the first place, why date him?

- blair - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

if its harmless then its fine but if they are flirting with him, i still wuldnt make it a big deal but if it gets out of hand you can talk to him about it

- Katie - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

Insecure, jealous girls don't keep guys for long. Be happy and confident in your own skin and focus on your relationship, not what other girls are doing. Facebook has a lot to answer for, this sort of thing wouldn't have been a problem a few years ago.

- Excessivebike684 - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

I wouldn't worry about it. If he does cheat, you'll find out. Always remember, you are a great girl with lots to offer so if this guy doesn't treat you right, dump him. Don't go around worrying about other girls cause you are a catch, and if he does cheat, he wasn't worth the time anyway.

- Super Woman - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

if ur boyfriend is good enough for you,
hell be able to tell the difference between 'the girls on facebook who are goin on all the good lookin boys pages' and you ..his girl
and dont woryy about it...YOUR his girl...their just fools...he probally knows that.

- Tammy - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

Well there is nothing wrong with being Jealous.
But yeah my boyfriend gets pissed off with it too.
But sometimes he gets really annoyed and tells them to stop posting this on my wall etc
But its not his fault.
pls don't talk to him and say you need to make these girls stop etc.
cos its not his fault unless he is doing it back or going along with it.
I'm braking up with my boyfriend cos he is getting annoyed and im lossing some of my friends :/ x

- Abby Campbell - 11-09-2012 08:51 PM

If your bf loves you... well them girls have notin' on you