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What do you think of the Jessi Slaughter video? - Printable Version

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What do you think of the Jessi Slaughter video? - Joe L - 11-09-2012 09:26 PM

I saw that Jessi Slaughter video the other day, and i just realized that in 10 years, were going to be fucked.

- Andrea A - 11-09-2012 09:34 PM

lmfao, i think it's both hilarious and pathetic.

- abubbles22 - 11-09-2012 09:34 PM

Haha, have you seen this video? It's like, commentary on the whole thing.

I think the Jessi Slaughter thing is ridiculous. Like seriously, SHE'S ELEVEN!

- calmwater275 - 11-09-2012 09:34 PM

(This comment has been removed by the Cyber Police.)

- calmwater275 - 11-09-2012 09:34 PM

She's just so freaking annoying. That was what she deserves. 11 years old and what! She is a bad influence and needs to grow up. I think she's just another kid not being supervised on internet. STOP TROLLING SLUAGHTER!

- Izzy - 11-09-2012 09:34 PM

This is the Cyber Police, we have back-traced your emails. Consequences will never be the same.

- Mae - 11-09-2012 09:34 PM

I think ya dun goofed! How do I know that? BECAUSE I BACKTRACED IT!!

- BROitsashley - 11-09-2012 09:34 PM

I'm not saying she deserved what she got, I mean in no way shape or form did she deserve death threats. But my thing is that she posted that horrid video of her sailor mouth, and sh expects people not to react!? I mean come on, she told us to get AIDS and die! There are so many people suffering from that illness and it is not fair for them to have a naive eleven year old girl saying something like that. No matter how funny she may think it is or how tough she seems when she says that. Some parents let their kids have way too much access to things they shouldn't, which is why they know things they shouldn't. That girl makes me so angry. And she was on the news acting all innocent. AH I really can't stand her. Lol. If that was my child, she would be detained until she was 25 years old.

- Manyy - 11-09-2012 09:34 PM

Oh lawddddddd!

This 11 year old child have no business having a web cam in the first place, secondly her parents should have been watching her what shes been doing, or have a log what shes been doing on her computer, because this girl have half naked photos of her self floating around the internet, and its just a darn shame!

Anyways, this girl Jessi Slaughter had a youtube account name Kerligirl13, she started making videos talking about how she have 3 boyfriends, how popular she is on a website called Stickam, before the whole video went viral, she was string up drama with other skickcam users which lead to the videos she uploaded.

Soon after that video went up, many people was trolling on her youtube comments sending hate messages, many people on tumblr kept posting/reblogging it, then it ended up in 4chan and the people on 4chan came across her myspace and facebook sending her hate mail

Then she uploaded another video with her father shouting in the background, and it just made the situation more worse with the trolling "U DUN GOOFED!" videos on 4chan, youtube, tumblr, and all over the meme world.

Everyone thinks shes a victim when she stated here "any kind of fame, she'll take". Clearly she knew the consequences

- Paige - 11-09-2012 09:34 PM

I think she got exactly what she deserved. I'm one year older than her, but I am a lot more mature than that. If you have to resort to your webcam to "vent"[as said in her Good Morning America interview]then something is up. If she didn't want haters, than she should have:

a. Said "leave me alone" and not make a 4 minute video about her and her "sticky drama"
b. Left it be, disable comments on her videos, and not make videos for a while.
c. Leave YT all together.

I make videos on YT, but it's not of me throwing around f-bombs in every single sentence. Like I said, she could have handled the situation a lot better. Now she is being called "a victuim of cyber-bullying"? She was being a bully herself. There is a difference from getting death comments on a video of you playing with your Wekinz than you getting death comments of you cursing off everyone.

Was it fair that she got death threats? Of course not. Bullying is a serious thing, but she was asking for it. For an 11 year old, she should not being saying that stuff. I'm 12, but do I tell people to get AIDS and die? No. Do I curse and brag about "my three boyfriends"? No. Yeah, I do feel bad for her, but she is a cyber-bullier herself.