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need help with muscle toning? - Printable Version

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need help with muscle toning? - lowmother572 - 11-09-2012 09:59 PM

hi i've started working out and need some advice.i pump 8kg on each dumbbell, in my exercise i do push-ups,flys,dumbbell press,standing bicep curls,sitting bicep curls. these are done in three sets. i also do a ab routine and skipping. my question is, im 6ft3 and 220lb i can feel my pecs growing and see my biceps growing but i have a little bit of flab on my stomach and have a pair of man boobs. can someone recommend what i can do to loose the fat. also sports arnt a option so im looking for stuff i can do around the block like running and skipping.

- mrslillianpucci - 11-09-2012 10:07 PM

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