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How to get a girlfriend in 7th grade? - Printable Version

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How to get a girlfriend in 7th grade? - Ryan - 11-09-2012 10:17 PM

I want a girlfriend but I've never even asked somebody out. There are a lot of hot girls in my school and I need help. I want one before the school year is over.

- emiloo - 11-09-2012 10:26 PM

Man up and ask.

- key key - 11-09-2012 10:26 PM

OK,im in the 8th
you just flirt around and anyone who respond positively might be ur future girlfriend.

- Brian - 11-09-2012 10:26 PM

your risking your cootie free heallth for a girl????????????????? what is wrong with you you nihilist twit

- Jes - 11-09-2012 10:26 PM

1st, guys have to ask girls....well they dont have to, but personally....a lot of girls think its just kinda the guys job to ask the girl out. Plus, its attractive to know that your somewhat brave to. But seriously its 7th not going to get super serious or anything in 7th grade even though everyone thinks they are before 7th grade.
So this is what i think you should do.
Start getting to know the girl you like. Because girls wont say yes if they have never talked to you before....Personallity counts to you know! Its not just about looks. Once you get to know her, ask hger out. And when i say that, i mean in PERSON!!!! Not over stupid texts, or facebook, or on a note, or have a friend do it for you. That STUPID! I personally dont even give the guy an answer if he does it over anything other then person. I just simply reply, ask me in person and then you will get you answer. If you ask someone out and they say yes....dont avoid them or have just a text or facebook kind of in person and talk during school.

But remeber if she says no, or she breaks up with you, DONT freak out! Its 7th grade! It doesnt matter! You wont be together forever! I CANT PROMISE THAT! But otherwise your all set...

Good luck (: