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What are the advantages to using social networking websites? - Printable Version

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What are the advantages to using social networking websites? - the redcap - 11-09-2012 10:27 PM

If you could list two or three distinct advantages i'd appreciate it.

- KEVIN M - 11-09-2012 10:36 PM

Not talking to people because you are busy checking your account. Anti-social behavior.

- sourcherry119 - 11-09-2012 10:36 PM

You have the ability to catch up with people you have lost contact with over the years. I have met up with so many people i've lost contact with.

That being said, you remain in contact with others that you probably would have lost. Graduating from highschool is a perfect example. You all move on, but places like Facebook keep you in touch.

I find, its also helpful for making new friends and meeting new people all around the world, and with things like applications or games - it makes it even easier to find people with similar interests.

You can promote your business easier, or even start one. voice a cause in a "group" or share pictures with family members and friends on the other side of the country.

One of the features I like the most, is that sometimes I wonder how so and so is doing, although i don't really talk to them. I can just head on their facebook profile and see "oh hey--- so and so just had a baby" and type congrats. or see "oh no, so and so just lost their mother" and write a note of sympathy. Great for birthdays too!

- vincent v - 11-09-2012 10:36 PM;_ylt=AoX0OJvi2kKx2s.pJBVis7Psy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090526015412AAqljqa

- Laura S - 11-09-2012 10:36 PM

Networking. You can build contacts for business and pleasure by speaking to friends of friends and build a rapport.

Confidence. A lot of people have more confidence to talk to potential partners and friends behind a computer screen than they will ever have in real life.

Building a name for yourself. A business, a model, a musician or a band can gain more exposure than through flyers and website advertisments by socially connecting their profession to themselves through friends on networking websites.