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Why are some crying that telling the truth about Trayvon Martin is character assassination? - Printable Version

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Why are some crying that telling the truth about Trayvon Martin is character assassination? - The Tall Man - 11-15-2012 08:50 AM

Did anyone force Trayvon Martin to do drugs, show off his gold teeth and gang tats on twitter, take a swing at a bus driver or steal women's jewelry?

- AverageJoe - 11-15-2012 08:59 AM

The professional race baiters (Al, Jesse and Barack) are using the Florida incident to stir up race hate for their own personal gain.

And you better believe that none of those three want you to be able to defend yourself from street thugs.

- big E - 11-15-2012 08:59 AM

Good riddence. Thuglet got it early before he could kill somebody. Bye Trayvon; didn't know you, don't want to know you.

Jesse and Al can whip the community into a frenzy as usual; will be a great fundraiser for those two worthless individuals.

Always remember Jesse and Al can get 100 busses to protest but could not get one to New Orleans to help the brothers out during Katrina."

- Keith - 11-15-2012 08:59 AM

Why are we not seeing/hearing all of the witnesses and evidence in ONE presentation?

- El Marxista - 11-15-2012 08:59 AM

Because it is irrelevant, even if he was not a good kid, he didn't deserve to get shot - and none of what you bring up came up as the event was taking place.

Why are you not concerned with the past behavior of the kraut Zimmerman?

- 575 - 11-15-2012 08:59 AM

It actually doesn't matter. It's all irrelevant. None of the things suggested were capital crimes and Zimmerman isn't a cyborg who can instantly discover a person's past upon seeing them.

- Heil Hussien Obama - 11-15-2012 08:59 AM


prove Obama sheeple

to be race baiters

and very uneducated

- YB Logical - 11-15-2012 08:59 AM

I refuse to answer any more questions connected to the Martin - Zimmerman incident until I can read for myself the results of both the State and Federal investigations which are currently in progress.
These questions from both sides are mostly based on emotional hyperbole and biased media reports also on both sides of the issue.
Meanwhile I will be content to just take the two points and see what it adds up to at the end of the day.

- 009 - 11-15-2012 08:59 AM

Do you want to know the truth? I mean really? (I suspect you, specifically, already know)

The truth is that they aren't so upset about Trayvon being shot. What they are all mad about is that they can no longer act like fvcking animals and then play the Race Card without getting shot.

This is like a Revelation to Blacks. All of a sudden they look up and see that there are consequences to chimping out.

I hope this happens more and more, then maybe Blacks will stop targeting whites for crime.


- Cloud Strife - 11-15-2012 08:59 AM

i totally understand you are preaching to the choir

let me just say if i got killed like he did there would be so many people saying negative things about me

even though i am actually good

straight a's through out all 4 years of high school no history of crime no drugs no alcohol frequent donor of blood

and the irony being he is bad but they are saying he is good