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Should people be allowed to sue fast food restaurants for causing obesity? - Printable Version

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- Sumo - 11-18-2012 01:12 PM

I have a thought..... maybe more people should sue! Eat up America. Get soooo fat, that your relatives would have to remove a fringin' wall off your house to get you out and take you to the courthouse..... sue, sue, sue. eat, eat, eat, make it an extra, extra large but don't forget the diet coke!

Only in my demented vast omnithought mind, does this movement cause a reaction two-fold;
First, due to the over demand in litigation costs, settlements and additional insurance coverage - the fast food companies would either file bankruptcy and close their operations or raise their prices so high that it could no longer be considered a "value meal".
"Junkfood America" would no longer be able to afford it and have to settle for an actual home cooked meal. Not to mention a depletion of venues for such gluttony.
Second, and this is my Darwin theory, natural selection, baby! Survival of the intelligent. Those who sued might have an positve cash balance but eventually will deplete their cash gains due to medical bills that would consist of but not limited to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, etc. These litigants would have to be so fat, so obese and so sick that they would have a true limited life expectancy. Only the people who can read "FAT 500 grams" would survive and take over the world!

That's my tangent, 2 cents worth. Good luck on your debate!

- Spacey - 11-18-2012 01:12 PM

No, I worked in a fast food restaurant and lost 50lbs. It's about
choices the individual makes. Right now I am working in fast food and have gained a little weight from eating it every day, but I don't
eat what is good for me. I eat hamburgers and fries instead of
grilled chicken and salad. Most fast food restaurants have healthy choices on their menus.

- Yeo3 - 11-18-2012 01:12 PM

While reading through all the responses here I saw a number of great comments. What was especially nice is the almost entirely unanimous agreement of how ridiculous it is that people can sue for just about anything. Before I go on I want to commend DeeJay for her comments on unity. United We Stand or Succeed, Divided We Fall...or Fail.

If on a jury in such a case, or as an attorney debating this case in a courtroom I would have to say "if the belly doesn't fit you must acquit!"

A good book to read on the topic is Confessions of a Kamikazee Cowboy by Dirk Benedict. Must read for every American concerned! Buy yourself a copy. It's the best money you could possibly spend on your heath.

It's absolutely ridiculous to argue that people should be allowed to sue FAT foods businesses because they chose to go there and not only go there but eat that junk. Using advertising or marketing gimmicks (like playgrounds or toys) makes about as much sense as believing Bill Clinton when he said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

The fact is - you are what you eat. I think I should be able to sue the people that eat that garbage because they're driving up the cost of healthcare which is a financial burden on other people. Fat food addicts are bankrupting hospitals, driving up medical and pharmaceutical costs and causing health insurance premiums to soar through the roof. See Vanguard's Health Care Sector Fund lately?

These fat food frenzied folks will surely be the death of first medicare and then social security because their on "the TV Guide diet." Whatever they see on TV they use as their menu guide to eat. First they'll cause Medicare premiums to soar and then, on disability and in retirement they'll bankrupt America.

You're absolutely correct. People make choices. They must live, and die, with the consequences of the choices they make. It's exactly the same as it is with tobacco.

Except if I were in charge and I saw a smoker throw a cigarette butt out their vehicle window I'd pull them over and make them pick up and eat 100 cigarette butts even if it killed them. If they disregard my life by passing off second hand smoke then their life is worth less than 1/4 cup of brown rice to me.

Best of wishes with your debate. See you in the future.

- comeundone4162 - 11-18-2012 01:12 PM

I don't think people should be allowed to sue the restaurants. People know the facts and go anyway. No one is forcing them to make that choice.

- great scott - 11-18-2012 01:12 PM

a very informative documentary on maccas causing obesity is called SUPER SIZE ME i sugest you watch this before you debate full of good facts and scary to think this shite is being eaten good luck and i totally disgree with you the fast food restaurants make billions thats right billions not millions from poor unsuspecting people eating there product what with subliminal messages in advertising attacking the subcontious mind and you must check your facts before you debate as i believe you will lose if you go into their corner.
the food in these places is very low quality its all about profit for these corporations to protect their billions they would do anything except sell quality food as it cuts into the bottom line

doesnt the advertising tell us its healthy, so people go and buy it as it is convenient thinking they are being healthy, someone should get some or all of this crap annalysed

cost example a full sized coke cost maccas 6cents plus cup lid and straw 3cents = 9 cents total

- Vincent - 11-18-2012 01:12 PM

If you are going to debate this topic, it seems that the status quo argument is easy. But the other side I would base on "what did they know and when did they know it".
As time has gone by we have learned that fast food places are poisoning us, and they are doing it so smoothly that we can't take all those health clams seriously that tell us that they are not serving us food but obesity, cancer, heart disease etc. The restaurants are clean and the food is served up so pretty and tasty how can we believe that it is bad? They claim as long as it is done in moderation it is not that bad, but it is. Just like smoking, is it okay to smoke in moderation, no it is not human nature to do some things in moderation, you either smoke or don't, your body will get addicted and you will smoke as much as your addicted body desires. It is the same for food. This fast crap has got to go.

This is the tact I would take if you are going to argue the contrarian side.

- shandouski - 11-18-2012 01:12 PM

If food was responsible for making people fat, then pencils are responsible for mispelled words.

- debbie - 11-18-2012 01:12 PM

NO, no one tells you to go there and eat and you dont have to super size everything you get