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What is the Conservative Agenda and way of thinking about government? - Printable Version

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What is the Conservative Agenda and way of thinking about government? - Les S - 11-18-2012 01:07 PM

Am I wrong for thinking that the following statement is accurate when describing the conservative mindset.

1. In the world according to conservatives, competing firms in the perceived free markets are the ONLY source of efficiency and wealth. Government contributes nothing but security. Outside of this function, it should be demonized, starved, or privatized.

2. Any force in civil society, especially labor, that contests the right of businesses to grab all social surpluses for itself, and to treat people like expendable resources, and the environment like a sewer, should be crushed.

What I hear constantly from conservatives is:
We're broke, Public sector workers like teachers are to blame, and if we tax the rich even a penny, we will face economic armageddon.

- raspyname695 - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

And what's wrong with that?

- How would I know - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Really? You hear that? I would have that it would have been drown out by the liberal claims of "working to provide for yourself is evil. Denying government full control over every aspect of your life is evil. And if you disagree you're a racist."

- Mother Hubbard - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

They hate democracy

- Zombie g - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

that's more the tea party idea, but the tea party idea is clearly gaining steam...

the crazy thing is... taxes are relatively low for the U.S. right now, but if you listened to them talk, you woult think it was 90 percent on the wealthy?

- Bat Guano - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Yes, you would be very very wrong.

Those are the ideas of most modern economists. Not just Republicans.

Bill Clinton put NAFTA into effect. Democrats controlled both houses of Congress from the start of negotiations to the time NAFTA went into effect. Hillary Clinton was on the board of dirctors of Walmart.

Free trade has been the biggest job killer ever since Ross Perot warned against it in 1992. But neither Democrat nor Republican has lifted a finger to stop it.

No, that is not the Conservative Agenda. It is the NWO agenda, which owns our entire government.

- Bonami - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Add - No minimum wage, no SS, no Medicare, pay as you go healthcare, no post office, no regulations, increase military by 50%, no tax on business, increase business subsidies.

- RitchWilliams - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Yes to 1 and no on the second part of 2. People aren't slaves. They benefit from the profit and success of business. Don't like it? Start your own business. Or at least acknowledge the fact that you can. This 'people are slaves of the corporation' crap is really getting old.

As to taxing the rich, well, you must acknowledge that they are the only ones paying any taxes at all. 50% of American pay nothing with their share being paid by your despised rich. How about we tax them...even a penny?

- Ingrid - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

They want a system like Russia had for decades: A handful of very rich and almost starving Masses.

It is our form of Government that made us great and the Conservatives want Dictatorship.
They could have never made it clearer than in the recent "non-negotiations"

- End The Fed!!! - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Agenda? To restore the Republic; allow STATES the right to determine drug laws, drinking age, gay marriage, etc.

The idea is to give the power back to the people. Take it away from the FEDERAL govt, who are unaccountable, and give it to the STATE govt's who are held much more accountable by the constituency.

1) demonized, starved, or privatized? No. Not demonized, just held accountable. Starved? Is it 'starving them' to ask they only spend what they take in? And privatized.... yes, to a degree. We shouldn't privatize the military ... we see how devastating that is with Blackwater. But we should encourage privatizing education, agriculture, medicine, insurance, and healthcare.

2) no. not at all. Unions have been a big drain on our economy. This is proven fact. They are grossly inefficient. Especially those unions who force people into their 'club'.

And if that's what you hear from conservatives, you are engaged with those who most uninformed...... and lets face it, there are AS MANY uninformed liberals as there are conservatives...let's not split hairs here. Taking the word of the ill-informed and taking it as a representation of the conservative platform is disingenuous.