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I would like to change carrier, how I can make the right decision? - Printable Version

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I would like to change carrier, how I can make the right decision? - Dali Vive - 11-27-2012 06:49 AM

I been in collections and customer services for over 10 years. I have a BA in Political Science. I love customer services but no the collection part. My Job now don't have any other options for me to move forward. I really need a new atmosphere. How I can make the right decision?

- A F - 11-27-2012 06:57 AM

In this economy be absolutely as certain as you can be that any new employer will still be in business next yr and the yr after, Collections is a real pain. I used to work in it too. But this is not a great time to change jobs.

One thing that may work is to start something of your own on the side maybe a direct sales job in something people really need, maybe making money from a hobby, maybe offering consulting on how to deal with debts and not ruin your credit rating, hopefully something where you can use your people skills that make customer service enjoyable. I do a direct sales thing that is a service vs a product, helps other people make money, and seems to go better not worse in this economy. You can email me if you want some info on it and ones like it. Something in your own or on your own but working with others towards similar goals and helping people at the same time seems like it would meet your interests and give you a safety net.

This is one time using an employment service may be worthwhile because they can help screen the possible employers and match them to you.

Start by getting your resume up to date and very effective, Remember it is not just a list of what you did it is a sales tool for selling YOU as the best product to meet the company's needs. Show them the benefit to them of choosing you by including one short accomplishment statement with each job you did. It can be won attendance award, helped increase satisfaction ratings from customers by 11%, maintained collection levels even in down economy. Whatever is true and makes you shine a little brighter than the coimpetition. Use the resume to your best advantage by asking people you know outside your company to look it over and make suggestions. Some suggestions may be helpful but this is also a way to let them know you are considering a change and put them in a frame of mind to want to help you. Most good jobs come by word of mouth before they are ever advertised, he more people wo know you might be open to change the more you'll hear about those jobs.

Business networkng sites (linked in, jigsaw for example) can be very useful as can social networking sites like facebook. Use your schools alumni sites and groups too. Just be absolutely sure your listings there do not say things you do not want a potential employer to read or see. This is not the time for that cute picture in the mini-kini or the rant about your evil job. These things often do get checked out.

Research the potential employer not just for likelihood of staying in business but for what the company amosphere and culture is like. If you know someone there great if not check your networking contacts and find one who does. Research the company on the web and in local and national business publications.

Your search should start out quietly for example on the networking sites emphasise what you do, what your accomlishments are but don't yet say I want out of my job or out of collections. One thing you don't want to do is have your present employer thinking well so and so wants to leave anyway so we'll downsize them vs someone else, or we'll not think of them for any promotion or pay increase.