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I really like this girl and what can I talk to her about? - Printable Version

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I really like this girl and what can I talk to her about? - Jay - 12-05-2012 05:51 PM

I dont get a chance to talk to her because of the schedule she spanish she usually says hi but this week we didnt talk at all. I have her as afriend on facebook and i want to message her by saying hi but if she responds i dont know where to take it from. What can i say
*Also with this be ok to say "Hey, how was your weekend?"

- bocofoshomofo:3 - 12-05-2012 05:59 PM

Stop being an awkward tard and man up. She isn't going to think you're weird just simply say "Hey" then she will be like "Hey" then say that thing about the weekend. Just build up a convo like with anyone else.

- Alexa22 - 12-05-2012 05:59 PM

That wold be good to ask when you do see her from then on you will be able to tell her interest in you.
On facebook let her get online before you message her. To make it seem like you are just being friendly and not following her around.
But yes be friendly that's what girls like.
You just have to let conversation flow easily.
Good luck.

- Catherine - 12-05-2012 05:59 PM

One thing that I have suggested to many people is just strike a conversation by asking a random question like "Whats you favorite......?" and just get to know eachother other then that i suggest you just ask if she wants to play a game like neverending questions to get to know eachother. If you like this girl romantically you really want to learn as much about her as possible so you can figure out if you have shared interests. Take it slow and don't bombard her in questions just casually ask about her interests and from there everything just kind of carries on. Good luck!