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On Facebook, what does it mean when you "poke" someone? - Printable Version

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On Facebook, what does it mean when you "poke" someone? - Abigail - 12-14-2012 07:20 PM

On facebook, I have two friends that poked me! What does it mean? I asked one of my friends and she said she doesn't know! Is it mean? Tell me, so I can poke her back Smile
If its mean, then I won't poke her back!

- ? - 12-14-2012 07:28 PM

*Imagine you poked someone IRL. That's all it is, just like a "Hey! /smile

- ? - 12-14-2012 07:28 PM

I've heard it means different things, that it could be a dirty thing, but also just joking around poking friends like you could do in real life. Either way, it's not mean. You can poke her back.

- ? - 12-14-2012 07:28 PM

its just a way to say i miss you...we indulge in poke wars in a friendly way and really their is nothing mean about it...Its just one of those things which breaks the ice between people and makes you approachable Smile

- Gopal Rajbhandari - 12-14-2012 07:28 PM

it doesn't mean anything just want to speak anything

- sidhu - 12-14-2012 07:28 PM

poke in facebook represent notification in facebook and its just for fun game like push something then you push against.
Facebook as a way that my friends are saying, "Hello, I am thinking about you and I miss you."
After you receive a poke, you then have the option of poking back. This could be translated as a way of saying, "Thanks for thinking of me. I feel the same way."

- quietweek198 - 12-14-2012 07:28 PM

its just fun lol(: u can start a "poke war" by poking a person bak and forth its dumb but fun lolz..! it doesnt say "poke war" anywhere its just what ppl call it