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Do you think Twitter's law case will be successful fin Tweet Adder for spambots? - Printable Version

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Do you think Twitter's law case will be successful fin Tweet Adder for spambots? - Alain - 12-16-2012 07:27 AM

Xstrology Zodiac have been spamming my direct messages using a spambot machine and it appears to be requesting that I click a phishing link. I checked and there are thousands of automatic tweets being sent by @ThePsychics0548 and imposter links. I read that Twitter is wanting to sue Tweet Adder for allowing their API's to abuse Twitter spam laws, do you think they will be successful? Do you think Twitter support should have an automatic spambot machine area to stop businesses
abusing the social network?

See Yahoo html which shows what they are doing:;_ylt=A0oGkmSMTqhQL1gAZh4L5gt.?&pvid=bLU_AUoGkynFal4HUKCmgwfzZaIznlCoToAACwmH&ei=UTF-8&rd=r1&fr=moz35&

- Sarina - 12-16-2012 07:35 AM

I love Twitter and I loathe spam. If Xstrology Zodiac are bombarding with you with zodiac or astrology spam report them to Twitter. Nobody should have to deal with those ugly awful bots. Legally they are violating Twitter's spam rules and should be suspended. Request an immediate suspension and let the support area know they are violating several spam rules at the same time.

Most Twitter users will be glad to see the day spam abusers are hit in the hip pocket. They have destroyed social media.