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Why are the government and big business taking OWS so much more seriously than the tea party? - Printable Version

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- Oryen - 12-17-2012 08:13 PM

So I guess the rapes and other reported crime must be other people coincidently occupying the same park?

- power - 12-17-2012 08:13 PM

maybe many of the police are republicans & they hate the OWS because they want to pay more taxes & allow the greediest crooks to have a free ride. I don't think there were many tear partiers they would only show a picture of them & make it look as if there were more than their were.

- NoQuestion - 12-17-2012 08:13 PM

If you want to see what really pisses the Establishment off look at the G-20 protest. The OWS have been given many favors. The TP was not allowed to stay in the park overnight they would have been arrested that same day.

- TheBansheeofBebop - 12-17-2012 08:13 PM

The government sees OWS as a nuisance. That's not QUITE the same thing as taking them seriously. OWS isn't hurting big business either. Since your question is based on false premises it can't be answered in its current form.

- Daniel - 12-17-2012 08:13 PM

If you study history in the USA this is the way that the 1% have all ways handled a potential problem it is part of their playbook. Sometimes it works but usually fails if the people involved stand up for their rights. But their first play is to buy cops or private security to attack the protesters even when they are peaceful. They also gear up their media attacks by calling them names and telling lies about them. Does any of this sound familiar.

- Eric - 12-17-2012 08:13 PM

They take them both seriously, but in different ways. Representatives like Michele Bachmann can thank the tea party for giving republicans control of the house, so the government takes the tea party very seriously for having so much influence. Government and big business take OWS seriously (macing/beating protesters) because OWS is bad for business. Honestly, both the tea party and OWS are awful. I don't take either of them seriously, really.

- dude - 12-17-2012 08:13 PM

The Tea Baggers were a joke of the Republicans so that the moderates looked like liberal Republicans.
The OWS is directly demanding how Wall Street does business - and to get Wall Street out of Politics. The politicians are the mouthpiece the rich today. Money decades elections. Banks and creditors are stealing from Joe America to reap huge profits. And in all this, we are the ones paying for America to stay in business while not getting any of the services we require.
OWS is looking for a fundamental change in politics. That makes them very, very afraid. Fear makes them do violent things.

- Ender - 12-17-2012 08:13 PM

They're not assaulted for being "peaceful" they're assaulted for breaking the law and resisting arrests. What's funny is that the liberals were bent out of shape for an "occupation" in Iraq yet they want to occupy places that aren't theirs and that they don't control. Isn't that a hostile takeover......even if they're just sitting there?

Big business is ignoring OWS. No effect and no threat at all. Politicians are addressing them because they like to feel important........just another ploy to get votes.

Speech is not being infringed. Camping out in places where it's illegal to camp has never been a "right" nor is it "speech".