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Why do people like One Direction so much? - Printable Version

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Why do people like One Direction so much? - Anna - 01-07-2013 05:13 AM

They're jerks. I mean I used to really like them but I don't now because they're complete @ssholes except maybe one or two of them are ok. I have twitter and I saw that childish little "twitter war" Zayn started with Max from the other boy band called the wanted. Zayn was acting like he was 5 years old. They also rate their fans, did you know that? And they sleep with girls all the time. Why do their fans refuse to see these things and insist all the time what wonderful people they are?

- Megan - 01-07-2013 05:21 AM

Idk but what it all comes down to is their music. And i like their songsBig Grin Plus their accents are hoooooooot!! Omg I want an Irish boy ;D

- Elena - 01-07-2013 05:21 AM

Liam Payne is my husband. They are my life and I love them..they are boys and boys will be boys especially because they are being exposed to fame at such an early age and every girl in the world wants them. They are very sweet boys and are funny..also very attractive. Their music is wonderful and they have much talent. We fans dont refuse to see the bad side of them because everyone has a bad side..they are BOYS. What 18-21 year old boys arent sleeping with girls? Especially famous ones..

- Jp83 - 01-07-2013 05:21 AM

Little girls like them because they fill a void. You know this has been happening ever since TV was invented right? There were "heart throbs" that girls screamed over in the 40's for God's sake.

- Campin Claymore - 01-07-2013 05:21 AM

they are teen aged girls and boys with good hair what are you expecting they where set up after bieber turned 18 is it just a coincidence?

- the king - 01-07-2013 05:21 AM

Because people do not have a good taste in music.

- Taia - 01-07-2013 05:21 AM

They have the most annoying fans, who back up anything they do, even if they're wrong. I think they're talented and all but sometimes they act like huge jerks.

- hi - 01-07-2013 05:21 AM

That twitter rant against the wanted is because the wanted always talk trash to one direction, even right to their faces! they hate eachother...they don't sleep with girls all the time! we 'refuse' to see them because we know they aren't true! Why do you refuse to accept that we know them better than you do? They do charity work all the time! Liam shaved his head for charity, Harry colored with children with cancer ans is part of the Help Harry Help Others cancer research foundation. Louis held a football game to raise money and Niall waxed his legs (ouch!) and did something on his birthday (im not dure what exactly it was). They were flight addendants on a British Airways flight and sold tickets to fans to raise money.

- shortPupil609 - 01-07-2013 05:21 AM

I'm 17 and don't like 1D at all. I tried and give them a chance so I watched some of their interviews and looked up some news about them. Niall called his fans c*nts, Louis and Harry rated a few of their fans to their faces and made them cry Louis flipps his fans off. I don't understand why they're loved.

I'm a big fan of Justin, because he inspires people to live their dream. He grew up in poverty and was raisd by his mom. He taugh himself how to play drums, guitar, trumpet, and piano. He wrote his hit sog Baby before he got famous. I liked Justin when he was younger more because he did a lot of acoustic versions of songs and was sweeter. He's still sweet now but you know. He has canged for the better he's more grown up and dresses mor classier. He got discovered off of youtube than met Usher.

1D got famous of the Xfactor which is more of a popularity contest than actual talent contest. Never in my lfie will i be a 1D, i promise you that. If Bieber ever treated any of hi fans like that I wouldn't be a fan of him anymore.

- Michelle - 01-07-2013 05:21 AM

Teenage girls can go into mass frenzy or hysteria. It's a fad. Truth is most boy bands behave like this, including the ones that I *used* to like. They are teenage boys with hormonal overdrive and groupies throwing themselves at them... it's fairly predictable what's gonna happen. People think it's just hard rock bands who do this stuff but boy bands can be the worst.

A lot of them do outgrow it after awhile, settle down and become more normal, some though just continue to be jerks. It's part of growing up that you realize these realities. Some teenage girls have trouble though distinguishing the fantasy from reality. Mentally they're still maturing, though they're starting to get attracted to boys, most outgrow it. Then there'll be another boy band for the next generation.

Their music is throwaway pop at best, their appeal is not really about the music.