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Teens do they still use textbooks in school? - Printable Version

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Teens do they still use textbooks in school? - Staten Island Ferry Suspended - 01-16-2013 09:39 AM

with all this new technology like Ipads and stuff you would think textbooks would be out of style


- Qwerty - 01-16-2013 09:46 AM

Fucking text books just taking up space in our lockers

- forever young - 01-16-2013 09:54 AM

At my school, they give you text books to use at your house at the beginning of the year & we have class textbooks in some classes, but I think we've only used them like twice

- James - 01-16-2013 09:54 AM

I think textbooks are way more productive than ipads or any other use of technology; for a number of reasons.

- Life - 01-16-2013 10:04 AM

We have textbooks but we hardly use them. The only subjects I use textbooks regularly in are business and history. But even then we use the laptops (our school gives us laptops) in almost every lesson. Bit even then our teacher does must of the teaching. What usually happens in all my classes is that the teacher would tell us to read this part from the textbook or give us a handout to read but then he would always explain it himself afterwards.

- Dominique - 01-16-2013 10:07 AM

At the highschool I'm going to attend, we use iPads instead of pens to write. We can also use them to access our textbooks online. So no, we don't really use textbooks, which is a wonderful thing! Smile

- heyy =] - 01-16-2013 10:14 AM

Well, schools are moving towards technology more and more these days. We still use textbooks in school considering not everyone has an iPad or some other device where they can access them. But certain textbooks are available online, so I don't have to carry them home.

- sarah smiles - 01-16-2013 10:23 AM

You rarely get a textbook at my school because we don't use them a lot and we try to be eco-friendly and stuff. c: Most of the time, we just copy down the lesson and are given hand outs as necessary. Every teacher has a website and departments have their own website too (ex. science, english, family studies, etc) and often notes, assignments, powerpoints, practise problems and such are posted on there along with daily homework and upcoming due dates.

Yeah, like you said, textbooks are going out of style and my school's definitely in trend of moving everything to electronics. There are facebook groups for nearly every class so peers can help each other out, for clubs to remind members, etc. Most projects are sent via e-mail.

Some English classes give out kobos instead of actual novels. My English teacher wanted my class to all make Twitter accounts to follow her Twitter... she thought that asking a question on Twitter would be better... >__________>

- Veronica - 01-16-2013 10:27 AM

At my school, studying the IB program, we use a combination of textbooks and technology.

- Aunt Liddy - 01-16-2013 10:36 AM

I remember using chalkboards and getting whipped by my teachers.
I am a 72 year old woman, young sunny.
This new technology junk is useless for your teener brain.
Now, do an old lady a favor and massage my aching bunyans, would ya?