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I need to find a home for my 5 cats and the ASPCA won't help also most shelters either. What can I do? - Printable Version

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I need to find a home for my 5 cats and the ASPCA won't help also most shelters either. What can I do? - giganticdeer808 - 01-19-2013 09:55 AM

I rescued five cats from a neighbor who left them behind. There are two adults & three kittens. ASPCA won't help me or direct me in the right direction and No kill agencies won't take them in either. I have tried Facebook, Twitter and asking family & friends. I move out of my place this Saturday and I can't take any of them with me. Someone please help me save these cats.

- Kathleen - 01-19-2013 10:03 AM

Call a cat rescue agency in your area, you can Google for them. Also try Craigslist.

- Abby - 01-19-2013 10:03 AM

If you live in the USA got to they are a no kill foster home for cats and kittens. (that's where i just got my kitten from Smile

- JellyBean - 01-19-2013 10:03 AM

This is terrible. I can't believe the ASPCA would not help you. Have you tried animal control, these are not your cats, you are not responsible for them. If worse came to worse I would just put them all in a box and drop it off at the ASPCA anyway. It sounds cruel but you have tried everything you can think of and this seems to me the only possible solution, if not the ASPCA take them to animal control. Good Luck!

- Laurie - 01-19-2013 10:03 AM

Place an add in the paper. I might do you some good to find a place to live where peta are allowed. When someone rents and this happens, the only ones that suffer are the cats.

- laura o - 01-19-2013 10:03 AM

Where do you live? I am looking for a cat

- Patty K - 01-19-2013 10:03 AM

I work for a shelter and no right now we are not accepting any cats because we are busting at the seams we only have space for 50 but are housing 247 cats. If you really can not get rid of the cats yourself you can always drop them off at the shelter after hours we can not deny them them. May not be what you want to do and I can not guarentee they will not kill them but if you have no other options.......sounds like you are running out of time.