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Has facebook obliterated all the other online social networks? - Printable Version

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Has facebook obliterated all the other online social networks? - xyz - 01-21-2013 03:05 AM

They seem to have chocked out all others. Do you think the others are actually making money or are they just "there"?

- Bowei - 01-21-2013 03:13 AM

yeah. all the other ones get by through ads. its hard tobelive but ppl still use the other ones. just that fb is king now.
twitter is a diff kind of social network though

- Lane C - 01-21-2013 03:13 AM

They have decimated the other interest agnostic networks but seem to be creating many niche market sites.

- obedientcalculator360 - 01-21-2013 03:13 AM

I stopped using them, and cancelled my account, as they seem to be unaccountable to their users, they are a large networking site not responsible for cyber bullying or "gossip" pages. A small minded low life that take pleasure out of harming real peoples lives.

- Phillip Gigliotti - 01-21-2013 03:13 AM

facebook is making all kinds of money, because people are buying into those scams, people are buying into those advertisements, and people are paying facebook to create pages for famous people or brands.

- Abbigail Brown - 01-21-2013 03:13 AM

I use this site to find ways of making money online that are right for me and fit my needs. Because it's hard to find a method for making money online that fits everyone's needs. There are survey sites, paid to click sites, multi-level marketing sites, cost per action sites, affiliate commission sites and the list goes on.

I hope it helps.

God bless!

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