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What are some companies that are willing to pay you for advertising their stuff on twitter? - Printable Version

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What are some companies that are willing to pay you for advertising their stuff on twitter? - Danielle - 01-31-2013 04:54 PM

I've heard of people making money by advertising certain company items or what they want them to advertise on their twitter. I have over 2000 followers on twitter and I would like to find a company or business that would be willing to pay me if I were to advertise their items/clothing/makeup on twitter and then review them. I need a trustworthy and loyal business or company that would help me. Or some advice and ideal/similar things like this for me. Thank you SOOOOO much!!

- Jake - 01-31-2013 05:02 PM

There are countless affiliate programs out there that pay perhaps 4% to 15% of the sale price. Promoting products closely related to your twitter focus is most effective. I don't know the specific strategies of twitter marketing or what links are not allowed.

Lots of new marketers discuss this stuff at

There's a section of member written tutorials for sale on the subject, like:

Most typically a twitter account is only a small portion of a larger marketing campaign, linking people to your own site that has pre-sell articles linking to affiliate links may be more effective.

- Neil - 01-31-2013 05:02 PM

No company is going to pay just to advertise a product. However, if your advertising generates a sale then you will be paid a commission. For my own products, I usually pay affiliates who join my programs 60% but they are digital products - with physical the commission rate can be very low.