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Any great ideas for networking with business people online? - Printable Version

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Any great ideas for networking with business people online? - luisartist - 02-01-2013 08:52 PM

I have my own business expanding rapidly. I am looking to find creative ways to market and network with business professionals looking for another money making opportunity. Any suggestions or ideas that have maybe worked for you? The best thing to me has been word of mouth.

- Bella - 02-01-2013 09:00 PM

A good idea is to register with the FSB (Federation of Small Businesses). They hold networking breakfasts all over the country where you pay for a breakfast with other business owners & you can network & swap business details to gain more contacts. It's not online but it's a great way to get your details out there. They usually make everyone in the room swap business cards so that if someone may need the services you provide, your company would be the first they'd call & vice versa. There are a few other organisations who also do the same thing, it's a great way to get your name out there.

- imisidro - 02-01-2013 09:00 PM

Facebook is a great way to network online. Just join one of the business opportunity groups and you will be swamped with requests to network with other business opportunity seekers. When you become a friend of one, check out their other friends and become friends of their friends to grow your network of friends

LinkedIn is another great professional networking website today.

Then of course in your area, join business organizations and attend their networking events

- Marvin S - 02-01-2013 09:00 PM

You can try social media marketing. This allows you to reach the right group of people you want to join your business. You can surely increase your profit through this.

- fated82 - 02-01-2013 09:00 PM

You can take a look at this blog and see if you can find interesting ideas for networking.