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Losing My Self-Esteem? - Nina - 02-14-2013 06:42 AM

I am an international student and I am studying in Scotland at the moment..The problem is I am turning 18 going on 19 and I have LITERALLY never been asked out before. Maybe because I come from a relatively conservative culture perhaps, but still all my friends seem to have guy friends but I do not (Not that I am desperate but it is just weird). The issue is, and I am not saying that because I am talking about myself and am not saying that to claim any superiority to my colleagues, but I know that I look relatively good. I dress up really good in outings, I am not a drama queen in any kind of way..I am a very decent , but not naive, person. I literally never blackmouth others or engage in that.. My family and my studies are my priorities, but I know I am relatively good-looking.. In my brother's wedding, several of his friends which I do not know asked about who I am.. To be honest, I felt happy because no guy has confronted me and said that I look pretty; nevertheless, sometimes I feel guys are reluctant to talk to me because I always show that I am an independent, strong girl who sets her values clearly.. One guy from uni. whom I don't know once added me on Twitter and told me "Hey baby!"m and my response was "am not baby. Am just [my name]". I do that because I do not really want to suffer from any love traumas I read about, see, or have heard of. Even my flatmate whom I used to feel had a crush on me in the first month of uni. started to drift away from me and got a girlfriend a month later, and when I went out together with him and 3 other flatmates of mine (and I haven't seen him during holidays), all those feelings and memories of remembering when he for example once came late to uni. and found me sitting in the corridor with my flatmates studying, he was going downstairs, but then came upstairs and sat next to me to start a conversation. I blame myself a lot for not opening up and staying naturally but given some circumstances, I do not want any guy to take advantage of me, but I do not feel loved except by God. Smile I just felt like speaking to somebody. Thanks a lot for your time.
I am from Lebanon..It's not a matter of grooming at all I am a clean freak actually!

- oIiIo - 02-14-2013 06:50 AM

First off-- so jealous! I LOVE Scotland!

Now here in the US we have an odd dating culture which I heard about a French woman on tv complaining about to a talk show host. Where r u originally from.? I think u should not worry-- I'm only 26 but I've noticed a lot about dating. First off around ur age people really start comin into their looks and not only that but they start to gain a lot of confidence. U may be pretty and all nut maybe u seem unapproachable. I know I have that problem. I could look like the most drop dead gorgeous thing in a bar and no one will come near me. Loosen up, smile more and unfortunately yes.. Be well groomed and dressed. At the very least clean brushed hair and nails done and neat matching clothing-- men look at this. I also noticed people from hs I could never picture with a guy are now gorgeous and married before I am meanwhile I def had a hot bf in hs n most others had nothing (I went to all girls hs in NYC). So really it's just about growing into itself. My one friend is 6'0 and absolutely beautiful. Doesn't need a drop of makeup or to do even dry her hair when she gets out of the shower. She can't litteraly be perfect just walking out of the shower. She never had a single date and we knew a lot of guys -- I mean she didn't even date in college-- her first bf was when she was 24 n now I'm gonna be in her wedding!! Don't stress yourself you're still young and I wish I hadn't wasted all those precious years obsessing over certain people. Just be yourself work on being more open if u aren't already and playing up your best features-- be yoursel though!! I love a guy who adored
Me by ceasing to be myself. He loved my personality and i didn't like him at all n the second I started to I started to act different I suddenly became shy n not the girl he liked and he moved on. People will take advantage of u in life . Thats just a fact. If ur not up for that then u will never love or be loved but I promise it's so worth it!!!!