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Should the 1st amendment be abolished to protect minorities, LGBT, atheists and Muslims from hate speech? - Printable Version

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Should the 1st amendment be abolished to protect minorities, LGBT, atheists and Muslims from hate speech? - Militant Leftist Atheist - 02-19-2013 09:46 AM

All speech needs to be suppressed and controlled; the majority of Europeans support hate speech laws, I hate free speech. It is Fascist and evil. Yet I still hear some people criticise hate speech laws as PC gone insane. Speech is a privilege not a right or a freedom!

If I ran this country only those with permission from the state would be allowed to speak or broadcast, you would need to pay £2,000,000 to get a licence and if you say anything I don't agree with you will die.

- BLAKE - 02-19-2013 09:54 AM


Free speech comes with a price.

That EVERYONE is entitled to free speech. You can not allow it for one and not the other.

And there ARE laws in place to deal with hate speech.

EDIT And then I read the last line of your question. Moron.

- Swimmer899 - 02-19-2013 09:54 AM

I'm gay, and I think people are free to say whatever they want.

If a person doesn't like gay people, he's free to say so. There's a big difference between someone saying he doesn't like gay people, and someone bullying someone for being gay.

- 4WD Greg - 02-19-2013 09:54 AM

take your little girlie european money with you when you leave!

- Arthur - 02-19-2013 09:54 AM

Got to respect a troll that can make me chuckle, but still quite obvious.

- Arthur - 02-19-2013 09:54 AM

Well this post proves it... education DOES make a difference.

- cameronissim - 02-19-2013 09:54 AM

I'm a cameronist and i believe in the righteousness of word which are my god given right.

So Jews and Muslims can mutilate their kinds via circumcision yet I cant use words in my country Scotland the heart of god... A country now run by jews who've used my country men in their wars as their banks bleed us dry though we saved them in great wars, yet still reamin a 300 year slave nation.....

your the racist violating my religious human rights but i believe you have the right to say what you want though your question should be pulled as it violates Y.H guide lines f#####r

ps why do you call yourself an atheist when the word is used by the church to denounce non believers. Thus anyone who calls you an atheist are in fact insulting you and your show your ignorance by calling your self an atheist, when your just a human being belonging to no religious doctoring.

- Matt H - 02-19-2013 09:54 AM

You do realize that the ACLU has been one of the strongest protectors of free-speech laws in the U.S. and they are considered one of the most liberal organizations in the nation.

In fact, it was a Jewish ACLU lawyer in America who protected the rights of Neo-Nazis to hold mass demonstrations and commit hate speech against Jewish people.

I am a liberal and I fully support the right to say anything you want to anyone. I dont agree with what groups like the KKK or West Boro Baptist Church say, but I fully support their right to say whatever they want.

"Though I do not agree with what you say, I will defend to the death your right to say it" -Voltaire.

And yes, European nations have it entirely wrong. Their hate speech laws are an abomination and a plague on free society.

- Gerald B - 02-19-2013 09:54 AM

So you want to be a dictator. Good luck with that. LOL

- james0707189 - 02-19-2013 09:54 AM

free speech is for everyone, not just straight white christian men. in the uk where we don't have free speech (freedom of expression), we can go to jail for writing things about people on twitter.