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Do you think rick ross is a bad rapper and horrible person? - Printable Version

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Do you think rick ross is a bad rapper and horrible person? - Cuss - 02-20-2013 06:40 AM

Im mean the guy is fake. He brags about being a drug dealer but he was a corrections officers the complete opposite. He is a dead beat dad im even lil wayne is good dad from what ive seen. ive seen him on cribs and he can barley speak English its like pure ebonix and he so self adsorbed he has a chain of his face . Hwy do we allow people like this to get famus

- David - 02-20-2013 06:48 AM

All black people are bad

- Answery - 02-20-2013 06:48 AM

I think he's got talent as a rapper, but I can't take him seriously because like you said, he's an ex-corrections officer and a big fat phony and a liar pretending to be a drug boss.
We don't allow people like this to become famous. Record companies with billions of dollars pick who gets to be famous, not us.

- D a y v e - 02-20-2013 06:48 AM

Who cares about their personal life... I like his music. Now their's local rappers that I know are fake, and make me laugh when I hear their music because I could slap them with their own hand n they won't do ****. But IDK rick ross n who's to say he doesn't do what he says...? "lil wayne is a good dad" GOOD FOR HIM.... Woopty ****ing Doo

- wait for it - 02-20-2013 06:48 AM

Many rappers claim to be 'gangsta' so their record sells, some of them probably grew up spoiled not necessarily rich but came from a good upbringing buy they rap about things they never been through or did.. and stupid people buy their CDs thinking it's cool to be a thug, when in reality being a thug doesn't mean that person steals, kills, etc.. Their a thug because like tupac 'I came from the gutter and I'm still here'

- Adam - 02-20-2013 06:48 AM

awswery is so right hes ok as a rapper i liked him when he first came out b4 i figured him out any you must not know that he stole that name from a real crack dealer the biggest in history and hes know being sued by him because he got himseld out of a life sentance after teaching himself to read also rick rosses beard is fake but deff peep this vid of the real rick ross you can see how he even copied the beard and bald head

so no hes a ok rapper and a horrible person that im choking with his own titi

- Hip-Hop Black Ops - 02-20-2013 06:48 AM

he is fake. who thinks he can. f##k his fans. i heard the worst rap of 2011. two door bugatti coupe i call it katy perry wiz khalifa papers smoking my favourite berry. the way he say boss and ugh in his songs is making me laugh.

- Da - 02-20-2013 06:48 AM

i agree that he is wack and a phony motherfcker....but like big daddy kane said...anyone can be a rapper....a rapper just rhymes....someone can say a line that includes the word cat rhyming with hat and be considered a rapper....but its another thing to be considered an MC...and MC is the art be an MC u gotta do more things than just rhyming.....many people dont know the differnce of the example i just gave...they thing mc and rapper is the same thing

- Rap Master - 02-20-2013 06:48 AM

His rapping sucks and he should feel bad

- Niko - 02-20-2013 06:48 AM

I got a whopper in the car UGH!