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Has my boyfriend reached the 'comfortable stage' or is he bored? - Printable Version

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Has my boyfriend reached the 'comfortable stage' or is he bored? - ad auxilium xo - 02-28-2013 04:42 AM

For a year we have been very loved up and he has never given me a reason to think he was even slightly attracted to/interested in any other girl.

Recent changes:
- Started going out more with friends
- Less motivated to do romantic things esp. for upcoming Valentines day
- More actively making friends at uni, most noticeably female friends and adding on facebook
- Still very loving when we are together, but less worried about upsetting me by doing the above or occasionally calling a girl 'fit' etc (he was very careful about this before)

Is this the 'comfortable stage' or is he bored and looking for the excitement of the chase again?

Other details:
-We are both at different universities, see eachother every 2 weeks
-He assures me that he just likes making new friends, and that he respects the line between talking and flirting

- Brenda - 02-28-2013 04:44 AM

First of all you should ask yourself if you trust him, second I sounds like you both seem bored with what is going on. But that is how every relationship becomes. You should tell him how you feel and that you think things are changing. A good guy will know his boundaries. And it's okay to have a little female friends. Don't get mad at him that's the worst thing to do. Just talk to him.

- Its me again - 02-28-2013 04:52 AM

hes bored. with you.