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My daughter is gothic? Please help. Pictures included.? - Printable Version

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- Francisco - 02-28-2013 04:32 PM

Just go to a Christian church and ask them to help you pray ,what your daughter has is demons guiding her life ,once the church starts praying for her you'll see what happens, just be patient and give it some time ,and try to have faith that the LORD JESUS CHRIST will come into her life and change her ,I myself had many demons in my life ,but thanks to my LORD JESUS im finally free and a new person ,if he changed me believe me he will change her ,GOD BLESS

- Brittany - 02-28-2013 04:38 PM

Well I am 14 years old, a lot of the girls at my school are like that. But worse! They wear a lot of makeup and dress really odd.She also might be doing this out of anger.I remember when I was 11 I pierced my own nose! My mom was so upset and made me take it out.But she also might have lost faith in God.Has she been through anything tram tic?Have you been struggling at all in anyway? The best thing to do is not to make her angryTell her you will love her no matter what! It will make her feel better.And I hope she isn't doing any self-harming!!!! Good luck!

- ♥Babicakes♥ - 02-28-2013 04:43 PM

All you can do is let her be herself. The best thing is to just let her know that you don't judge her. Make sure she knows you still love her, even though I sure she knows. : ) Sometimes it's nice to hear it. Let her be herself and just pray. I'm not sating to just completely sit on the sidelines, make sure she knows her rules, but let her express herself as she wishes. If she is truly "rebellious" she will get over herself.
By the way, you have a very beautiful daughter. : )

- Jayjay - 02-28-2013 04:44 PM

You have to let your daughter be her own person.
Just because you don't like something that e does, doesn't mean you have to go and complain about the way she expresses herself.
You say you want her to be a cheerleader and be into other nice things like "other girls"???? That just doesn't make sense to me! Nowadays, there are a lot more teen girls out there that are trying to stick out and be their own person in the world. Not many girls these days want to fit into that clique of girly girls and cheerleaders...
You can't tell her she dresses like a freak and expect her to somehow just magically become like "the other girls" when there really isn't a certain way that all girls are the same... everyone is different.
You may be her parent, but you aren't her. Just let her be herself in life. If she finds that one day this kind of life doesn't work for her, then she'll learn from it. Life is a lesson and we learn from experience.
If you really want to control who she is, don't act like you don't like the things she likes. Just tell her how you feel and don't be rude or insulting about it... though, if I were you, I'd let her be herself... but since i'm not you, it's all up to what you'll do.

- chanel* - 02-28-2013 04:52 PM

I don't care what people say but the movies, media (especially this) and music is inluencing teens more than ever today. I would know fom experience with myself, I became extremely depressed from the meia influences and feeling the urge o rebel and I became really depressed from seeing what ppl post on social media and it made me feel like I was that way, when I wasn't! Now I'm only 18, but looking back on where my life was heading about a year ago its really scary... I'm not saying you need to take all of her weird muic away because that will make things worse. She's only 16, this is just kind of a phase, but I can guarantee you, that she wouldn't being doing this if it wasn't for twitter, facebook, tumblr, music, tv, movies, etc...I know you're worried right now but one day she'll change....Also I think she had distanced her self from God. Maybe like someone else mentioned, perhaps something traumatic has happened (abuse, sexual abuse, lost a lose friend, the list goes on and on) to her, and maybe you should sit down and just make her feel like she can feel comfortable with telling you anything... There is also tons of support groups for parents, just look online a little bit, lol just make sure to delete the history so she doesn't find it and get upset... Also your daughter is very pretty and I would say she is more on the emo side than goth

- Callypso - 02-28-2013 05:00 PM

she sounds normal. other girls her age aren't all into "regular girly stuff" and cheerleading. that is quite the stereotype of a typical teenage girl. when in reality we're all different. we can't all be bible thumpin' goody two shoes. some of us just turned out to be horror movie bumpin' average one shoe. ya know what i mean?
hey by the way, "i just hate him because of his piercings" <<<that's the sort of thing you say that makes people hate you. i mean, people outside of your church of course.

- ? - 02-28-2013 05:02 PM

The answer to your problem is simple. I talk to my cat, does that make her the devil. My friend had a séance at her birthday party, does that mean we were successful and actually spoke to the dead. Lastly, the drum major of my marching band has a nose ring, does that make her evil. No it does not. My cat is sweet and innocent, I have never spoken to the dead, and Allie is the nicest person I have ever met. Your daughter is fine, and probably better off than a cheerleader.

- scrappycoco - 02-28-2013 05:09 PM

agree with other post about this being a troll...sounds bogus

- marshmallow - 02-28-2013 05:17 PM

Is this a joke? You're a joke, right?

Unfortunately I know you could be real because I live in Texas. Let me spell it out for you: she is acting this way because OF YOU. She acts this way BECAUSE you think stupid things like "her cat is a devil" and "I hate her boyfriend because he has piercings, even though he's nice".

You're a terrible person and hardly deserving of the label "Christian" (like most self-described "Christians", come to think of it.) You do not think or act like Christ; you are a HYPOCRITE. That is the surest way to turn a young person away from religion. She will have a long, hard road ahead of her...unless she meets real Christians who accept without judgement, she may always be an atheist. (Not that there's anything wrong with that--if she is an atheist, hopefully she can come to an equilibrium without becoming a nihilist like some dramatic types do...just sayin').

P.S. I just looked up the band on the "boyfriend's" t-shirt, and Acacia Strain isn't a goth band, it's a metalcore band. These kids are emos, I think. Not that it really matters, I suppose...there's a lot of cross-over nowadays (my roommates are metal-heads), but these kids are not *technically* goths.

- LauriM - 02-28-2013 05:21 PM

Dear mommyBig Grin
sorry but the more you try to "oppress" her style, the more she'll want it. (Specially on the religion bit)
She could grow out of it, or she might not. They are both fine.
The tattoo is the only silly thing I gathered here, that was probably just soon-to-be regretted rebellion.
Think of it this way, Goth isn't the worst thing your daughter could be. She likes to read and learn through documentaries, she has a pet she loves and cares for...oh my! The worst that could come of those things is little Casper scratching her.
There are bad things that come with being everything, including a "cheerleader" that wont get her any further away from dangerous things. That solely depends on your quality of parenting, because if she is a smart girl, it doesn't matter what color her wardrobe is.
Stop judging your child based on her looks, you're not in High School anymore.