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Splitting TV Screen Into Two Sides? - Printable Version

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Splitting TV Screen Into Two Sides? - Brian - 04-29-2013 08:50 AM

I just hooked up my Dell Laptop to my TV via HDMI and would like to split the tv into two screens... I was able to do this with applications by holding down the windows button and pressing right or left, but I still have to move arrows left/right or up/down to see the entire page - Is there a way to get the page to fit into the the half screen I have created?

- Dell Inc. - 04-29-2013 08:54 AM

Hello Brian,

I am from Dell Social Media and Community.

in order to split your display down the middle either horizontally or vertically, first open two applications, let’s say Word and Excel. Now click on one of the tabs in the Windows Taskbar and then press and hold the CNTRL key on your keyboard. While holding down the CNTRL key, click on the other tab in the Taskbar. They should both be selected now (they should have a darker background than the other tabs).

In the pop-up you can select Tile Vertically to get the split screen view.

If this has not helped you or if you need any further assistance, feel free to message me on Twitter. I will be happy to assist.

Twitter: @NiranjanatDell