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How do I find a social scene? - Printable Version

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How do I find a social scene? - kali - 05-09-2013 06:46 PM

I graduated high school last year and I've been taking college classes online, but I no longer have a social scene. I had a job for a bit last year, and it was nice because I socialized with customers (except the angry ones) and my coworkers were okay. But I recently let go of the job and now I have nothing. My online classmates are almost like robots. I don't see them, I only see their posts on the classroom page. Most of my friends from high school have moved out of state/county to attend college, and I even stop going on Facebook because it's so depressing to see everyone living while I'm at home, doing nothing.

I can't say I don't get anything done, though. Other than my studies, I have personal projects I work on, my passion really, and I can lose myself doing them and forget about my troubles. But it doesn't last long. The worst part is my daydreaming. I've always been a daydreamer, but it's even worse now. I picture myself in beautiful, exotic places with interesting people who are interested in me, and I can pretend I'm not alone for just a little while. But these daydreams are so shallow, so easily shaken. If I cough, I'm brought out of these daydreams. If there's a loud sound in the next room, I'm pulled out of my daydreams. I desperately need an outlet, but I don't know where to start or how to find one. I suppose the real reason I want a social scene is because I want to meet someone, romantically. I admit that most of my daydreams revolved around some romance, but I noticed that in every fantasy, there's never a chaste kiss or a revelation of feeling. I never imagine it up to that point. I imagine me getting close to someone, and when the bubble starts to burst, I get bored with the fantasy. It's pathetic how obsessed I am with things that will never happen. To top it all off, I've been stuck in bed sick for a couple of months. I have no idea what's wrong with me, but if I can't even get my body out of the house, how can I ever find friends, or a special someone? Please help me.

Btw, I am not obese.

- Teddy Barrett - 05-09-2013 06:55 PM

You mean like a real love kind of thing or a real relationship kinda deal? Well you could have like a fantasy where kittens are licking you all over or a teddy bear fantasy where they all want to hold you tight and kiss you goodnight or maybe you could have a princess kind of fantasy where you are a princess in sugarville and all the young princes want to dance with you and take you out to the movies. Or you could have a magical jeep you drive around that takes you only to places where you are loved and treated with respect.