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Can somebody take the time and help me?!?!? - Printable Version

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Can somebody take the time and help me?!?!? - Morgan Valentina Polito - 05-11-2013 06:18 AM

I've been talking to this guy for the last 6 months. We've had a friends with benefits with each other this entire time. And three days ago I sent a picture of a guy asking him if he knew who it was and he asked why. I told him don't worry about it. So ever since he's been texting/Kiking/snapchatting/writing on my Instagram pictures and also messaging me on Facebook the simple word "K." Even if I don't respond he finds another social media to say it on. Everytime I ask what's wrong he replies with "K." No matter what the question is. So my question is, do you know why he might be doing that?

- Quentin Carter - 05-11-2013 06:27 AM

He's probably upset that you sent the picture. You didn't give him a reason. And you are totally fine for not telling him, if its your business. Just try talking to him. Good Luck

- puop - 05-11-2013 06:40 AM

Seems like he got overly jealous because you asked him about another boy. Could be because he has feelings for you, or could be because he's a bit obsessed about you.
I don't know how old you guys are, but what he's doing sounds very very immature. Even if he was jealous, he should come right out and say it. What he's doing is just creepy and utterly stupid if you ask me.
Anyway, based on your story, he's definitely jealous. You can either confront him, or let him know in an inconspicuous way that the guy in that photo was no one in particular. That should cool him down. But if you have feelings for this guy and want a relationship other than friends with benefits (which is a bad, bad idea if you ask me) you should know that he is immature and will probably become an overly attached, incredibly jealous boyfriend. But you know him better than I do, so maybe he is good boyfriend material. That part is up to you.

I know some of what I've said was probably not what you wanted to here, but you asked for helped so I did my bestSmile Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh, I'm not having the best day..

- kyle - 05-11-2013 06:46 AM

basically I'm just going to say my opinion on this you need to let him go he seems like he's being immature with things and if he won't talk to you or tell you what is wrong you should not even waste your time and bother with him anymore

- Mel - 05-11-2013 06:50 AM

Huh!?!? What?! Is he .....
it's because he is one of the following: totally immature, psycho, an annoying ass or just an idiot.

Stop thinking about it- there is no answer, it is just nonsense behavior. Best thing is to not entertain that at all. You can send one last message saying something like you don't really understand what he is doing there with the K's but it doesn't look like he wants to talk to you and then withdraw. do nothing. don't talk to him again untill he comes to you. with a bit more than K.

He'll be back once he notices he doesn't get your attention with this stupid behavior anymore. It might take weeks or months but he will be back.