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Since when does being private make you look like a weirdo? - Printable Version

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Since when does being private make you look like a weirdo? - Longwaytogo - 05-27-2013 03:49 PM

I work as a social media manager so I spend all day on Facebook, twitter and instagram. While I find these sites enjoyable, it's turned me off to what most people do. I'm so tired of the selfies, the showing-off and cry for attention. I used to often post photos of myself all made up and enjoyed the compliments, but I grew tired of it. Now, I rarely post anything unless it's news related. When it comes to my personal life, I have no picture of my fiancé and I. My friends always complain that we shouldn't be so private about our life and we should show off how beautiful of a couple we are. Who cares??? We never even announced our engagement on Facebook - we just called our loved ones to tell them, which I prefer.
When I go on vacation, I don't post personal pics, unless it's one of a beautiful landscape. My friends told me it's strange. That it makes me look like I have something to hide. I just don't feel like putting my life out there. Why am I being branded as a weirdo for being a private person?

- Babushka - 05-27-2013 03:53 PM

our society has become annoyingly public. Most people enjoy the followers, the likes, the compliments, even if it is from random people that are likely stalking your page because they're nosey or jealous. Anyway, back to the point lol... It's mainly because our society has become disgustingly public they assume you're "weird" because you don't NEED all that unnecessary attention from people. Do you. Don't worry Smile

- ? - 05-27-2013 03:57 PM

The real question is why do people spill their hearts out, their daily business and their private photos all over the internet?

I am with you. I am somewhat private. The people who really know me would not realize this about me because I am very open with people I trust. I value my privacy very much. Like you, I am not hiding a thing, it's just that people are judgmental and assume too much from very little information. Therefore I keep my personal life private for that reason.

I think posting personal pictures on the internet is an individual choice. However, the thing about pictures is that there are other people in those pictures besides one self. And, to post them, you are exposing your friends and family to the internet, perhaps against their wishes. Everyone who knows me already knows that they do not have my permission to post my picture anywhere. Again, I have nothing to hide, but nor do I want my image forever floating in cyberspace. People do not realize when they post pictures, they can be copied and shared and go only who knows where. I am not paranoid in the least, but like I said, my privacy is valuable to me and me alone, it is MY privacy.

Social medias, as you know, because you work with them every single day. Are an open hole to people's lives, there for everyone to see and even stalk or hack into. I find the majority of social networks to be very immature and find the content of conversations, comments and likes to be superficial and rather boring. If you can tell, I am not part of any social networks and like to remain anonymous like here, on Yahoo Answers.

- John M - 05-27-2013 04:07 PM

Long', no offense to your career choice, but I think it should be termed "UNsocial media." Everybody is "getting together" and "sharing," but it's only electronically. It's not like a letter, in which there is a time delay, a surprise in receipt, and time given to preparation - it's all immediate and mundane: "Having brkfst. Here's a pic of my eggs. LOL."
I am SO glad Shakespeare didn't have the Internet.
Oh, almost forget: those who are private have been thought "weirdos" by some for thousands of years. But only the private who let that bother them are effected.

- florence - 05-27-2013 04:10 PM

Don't mind them. They're too attached to those stuff that you do publicly on social networking sites.

- Sky - 05-27-2013 04:17 PM

You're not being private. You're just being normal. Living a normal life. Posting things on Facebook seems so creepy and strange and fake. Like a fake life. Or a TV show.

Ask them over for lunch and they can also look at the photo album of your latest vacation or trip. But that's just it, they probably won't have the time because they're too busy posting on Facebook.

Not everyone has Facebook.