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Blocking People From Seeing You Statuses? - Printable Version

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Blocking People From Seeing You Statuses? - Melody - 08-06-2013 07:43 PM

I added my dad on Facebook & i don't want him to see what i post, i don't want to unfriend him but how can I just block him from seeing my status on the mobile Facebook app?

- abraXus - 08-06-2013 07:53 PM

add him to your restricted list

- anon - 08-06-2013 07:55 PM

Click on the 'status' button at the top of the page. Type your status then underneath where you're typing on the right click the button where there is an image of two peoples heads. Click on the cog and you should be able to select who to prevent from seeing your status, hope this helpsSmile

- Suntop Kinseeker - 08-06-2013 07:59 PM

It is simple, it is easy to do this when you write a status you will have a pull down menu next to POST you click that and then custom, then in that dialog at the bottom area of that dialog with a red X that says DO NOT SHARE WITH these with people or lists and put your dad's name in there and it will not share it with him. You can do this for anyone. And if you want to stop that you just click the x next to his name. Good Luck.

- Ocean - 08-06-2013 08:10 PM

yah same I didn't even want my dad to see my statuses on fb so I added him to my restricted list. Just go to blocking> on the very top it will say add friends to restricted list> add your daddy> click save
WALA! Big Grin

- Yolanda Solorzano - 08-06-2013 08:24 PM

On the status at the botton right Click on public and go to custom and click don't share with and type his name in and it won't allow him to see it but you have to do it from the computer and he won't be able to see it on his Mobil app or computer