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How is it possible for illegal immigrants to take part in social security? - Printable Version

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How is it possible for illegal immigrants to take part in social security? - Brimo - 10-13-2012 02:55 AM

In order to get social security you have to have a social security number so how is it our government voted to allow illegal immigrants to take part in the system???? How the heck do they think this is gonna work? Unless they use the number they bought off the black market. Scoundrels!!!!!

- Yak Rider - 10-13-2012 03:03 AM

1. They make numbers up.
2. They buy counterfeit cards.
3. They use other people's ID.

- Mk II - 10-13-2012 03:03 AM

It's true, they steal social security numbers and identifications. What's funny is how politicians are trying to give illegals "legal rights". It's a contradiction!! These politicians should be deported.

- Impska - 10-13-2012 03:03 AM

The only way I can think of is if an immigrant applied legitimately to immigrate, got a social security and permission to work, and then had their legal residency revoked, or gave it up by staying too long out of a country or some such.

Now they have a social security number, but no legal status. I suppose if they worked and paid into social security while they were legal, then they should be entitled to that money in some way.

That said, I don't know what bill or vote you are referring to. Can you provide a link?

- binglephipple - 10-13-2012 03:03 AM

The system is corrupt. There are so many here that they have power to exploit a weakened system. Politicians will do anything for votes and money. The poor and middle class are outguned by businesses and rich that benefit by cheap labor. There is nothing in it for politicians to actually help the people-only to appear to help them. They know who butters their bread and it isn't us.

- Kevin - 10-13-2012 03:03 AM

blame the corrupt system
they sell SSN for $ 10

- u-smell - 10-13-2012 03:03 AM

The democrats have proposed many times the granting of social security benefits to illegals no matter what their legal status is. they are just political prostitutes.

- Ralph W - 10-13-2012 03:03 AM

The other day I ran into a illegal mexican with my car and the cop blamed ME! wth? He is ILLEGAL against the law and it is my fault?!? They do not have rights! They are not entitled to humany here!!!

God bless!

- obedientclam683 - 10-13-2012 03:03 AM
this says something about is part of the current amnesty plan they came up with in is loophole #19.

- andy panda - 10-13-2012 03:03 AM

Yes and the demos love them, want their votes, the scoundrels, are the demo's!!!!! not the illegals, they cannot get anything thats not available to them!!!!!! and the demo's are running scared!!!