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Why would I be blocked on Facebook!? - Printable Version

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Why would I be blocked on Facebook!? - Joel - 11-21-2013 04:29 AM

I'm actually really good friends with one of my exes for the past couple years. We talk and hang out all the time and for some reason when I texted her a month ago she never replied and I haven't text or called her since. I don't get on Facebook that often probably been 3-4 weeks and when I got on today I noticed she blocked me. I didn't do anything wrong at all I honestly don't know where this is all coming from. I'm afraid to call or text her cause I don't want to make her annoyed and pissed off at me but I have no idea why she is doing this and it's really bothering me because we have been friends for so long and I don't want to lose that. We never got into a fight i didn't do anything that would piss her off, I just want to know why. Any advice? And yes I'm 100% sure she blocked me and not her being deactivated.

- @X| ®¤&€ - 11-21-2013 04:32 AM

You must talk to her! Not an alternative if you want to keep going with your relationship. She apparently could have got some misconceptions! I guess she wouldnt mind an open talk, as she probably has got sth to say to you.

- Zazila lai - 11-21-2013 04:34 AM

maybe you has misunderstood to her.. talk to her and ask the explanation about this problem maybe she want to other friend but she ticks you has to be blocked.

- dploucillo - 11-21-2013 04:46 AM

The only reason i can see is that you're out of the scene. She has a new Boyfriend