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Is it bad I unfriended someone? - Printable Version

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Is it bad I unfriended someone? - Annie - 12-05-2013 01:31 PM

I was "friends" with this girl I hanged out a bunch during a summer two or three years ago. Now we don't see each other at all. On Facebook she kept sending me game requests and it was super annoying. She always plays games and always sends requests to me. I sent her multiple messages to stop sending me the game requests and she never responded back. And she never stopped sending the game requests. I had enough today and unfriended her. I don't even use Facebook a lot, I go on once every few weeks. She moved to a different town and I only had two mutual friends with her. I don't want to still be friends with her. We only hanged out a few years ago. Was it bad that I unfriended her?

- pearlmar - 12-05-2013 01:37 PM

Yes I think that was very unkind of you.

- Atheist - 12-05-2013 01:51 PM

You just want attention.

- bleeding heart - 12-05-2013 01:56 PM

No Not bad at all. Whats the point keeping her as a friend if she doesn't talk with you

- Ankhr - 12-05-2013 02:06 PM

Have you tried blocking the app requests?

- Tristen - 12-05-2013 02:12 PM

no, i think you did the right thing. You asked her to stop multiple times and she didn't. you don't want to be friends with her anyway. You did the right thing.

- Matthew - 12-05-2013 02:21 PM

It was a little over reacted

- Padi - 12-05-2013 02:36 PM

ol. they are apps on facebook. I doubt she thinks of u at all when those requests come to u. the app selects most of ur friends by default for invitation to play the game too. once u click next with the intention of proceeding with the game , those invites are sent out. she can undo it though, it doesn't matter now. good u unfriended her. afterall u're not gonna see her again

- KelHATESorangesoda - 12-05-2013 02:45 PM

No, don't feel bad. Lots of relationships fade away. She'll find someone else to bug. Don't feel so guilty.

- secret life - 12-05-2013 02:50 PM

It's not bad or mean you have not seen her in a few years
You done nothing wrong and you can all way add her again later