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what do you think bout the chris brown apology? - Printable Version

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what do you think bout the chris brown apology? - :) - 10-14-2012 03:26 AM

its the trending topic on fkn twitter.. ha
so leave your thoughts!
do you believe it or not? why..why not
are you still a fan?

-me personally, i still am a fan you know,there's to sides to a story

- roxy4real - 10-14-2012 03:34 AM

i think he deseves a second chance, i guess

- mrs_g - 10-14-2012 03:34 AM

There IS two sides to every story...but nobody ever should be laying hands on people that way.
He apologized to kiss up to his fans, he's still an enormous asshole.

- Lori F - 10-14-2012 03:34 AM


- Merrybattle827 - 10-14-2012 03:34 AM

Let me start by saying that I am a Chris Brown fan. I don't agree with what he did, and I will never look at him the same again, however, I can forgive him. I accept his apology, even though I question it's sincerity...but I respect him at least for apologizing in front of millions of people. He did say he is getting help, and he promises never to do it again, so let's just hope he's being honest. I will continue to listen to his music, but like I said, I will never look at him quite the same...I can forgive, but I don't forget.

- puffinz - 10-14-2012 03:34 AM

He should be in jail hat is where any other regular person would be right now. I don't believe it was a real apology if it were it should have come a long time ago I don't care what his lawyers told him to do or not do. no one has the right to hit another person no one deserves to have the crap beat out of them.

- imamegan - 10-14-2012 03:34 AM

i think it is truely pathetic..

seriously, because he was found guilty he apologizes?
he should have said sorry in the begining, he only did it to look like a nice guy that made one "little" mistake. in reality what he did was horrible.! the worst.! he is a woman beater.! he diserves jail time for a while.!!!!!

i just really can't wait to see what other karma he gets.
i mean nobody looks at him the same way anymore.!
which is good.!

- Fisherkingnigel - 10-14-2012 03:34 AM

I think once you hit a woman it's in your blood and you'll do it again. Personally I could never hit a woman and can't imagine ever doing it. He should have done the apology months ago to at least credit his name.

- tweetybird37406 - 10-14-2012 03:34 AM

i don't believe it at all. if he has to read cue cards just to apologize there's something wrong. he's a talented guy, but i was never a fan, and i never will be one. any guy that can hit a woman like that deserves to be thrown under the jail. as for there being two stories, i doubt his side will justify hitting his so called girlfriend. there is no excuse whatsoever.

- mild mannered - 10-14-2012 03:34 AM

The guy has apologized. Whether he is sincere or not, that we do not know. We cannot read his mind, we don't know what's in his heart. We should take it at face value and accept the apology, period.

Chris Brown apologizes for Rihanna assault (Transcript of Chris Brown apology video)

Since February my attorney has advised me not to speak out even though ever since the incident I wanted to publicly express my deepest regret and accept full responsibility. I felt it was time you hear directly from me that I am sorry......