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Should we give Tea Partiers what they want and instantly shut down Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security? - Printable Version

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- electricpole - 10-14-2012 06:21 AM

Facts and not hysterical emotion would work better here, But then again reality is much harder to take, and facts take research.
"instantly"? What happened to phasing it out over a generation or so, and other Conservative ideas. It sounds more like you are worried about you not getting you cut from the labors of others, and using the poor, hungry and disabled as cover. Prove me wrong.

- MARK B - 10-14-2012 06:21 AM

'nancy' - now you're back. Where did you go ??!! Another great question from a young lady who fell off the wagon just an hour ago or so !!

Good stuff, and you cannot confuse this old guy, just make him a bit flustered at your mood changes.

Keep it up - you're a barrel of info and a barrel of laughs when you do your Jekyll and Hyde act !! LOL

This puppy is of course the mainstream Liberal Democrat that you say you are. You may be a male 'dude' in disguise, but that is what Y/A is all about.

I couldn't fake it if I tried !! LOL

- Great One - 10-14-2012 06:21 AM

Actually in the long run that is exactly their goal. Let me ask you tea party sheeple this simple question. Suppose we cut enough right now to balance the budget and didn't raise taxes one cent for the ridiculously wealthy. Do you honestly think that would be good for the economy and would solve our problems?? What about the rampant unemployment it would cause? There already is no demand for new workers because the middle class doesn't have any purchasing power. How would cutting the very spending that is keeping us afloat help??? Tea Partiers are corporate pawns and don't even realize it!

- aeriol7 - 10-14-2012 06:21 AM

No medicare, medicaid and social security should be protected, too many people paid their fair share for it to not survive.My Grandfather was from another country, Portugal, he said in his day Europeans received their pension all at one time from the government and the difference was in the states they gave it to you in dribbles. He deceased now but he would say no longer dribbles, they want it back and expect you to die before you can spend it.

- Docta C - 10-14-2012 06:21 AM

That's fine with me, I have savings

- Vito1964 - 10-14-2012 06:21 AM

If we go off last years spending, we'd only need to cut all three of those by 79% to balance the budget.

- Shark Fergusson - 10-14-2012 06:21 AM

The Free Market is powerful but it can't do everything and it has it's problems. We need some government regulation as well.

- ieatlunch - 10-14-2012 06:21 AM

They hate the government and are only getting elected to give their corporate masters full control. Fool people into thinking regulations are "job killing", when the reality is that its just cheaper to dump toxic waste into the drinking water and blow up the entire mountains to get coal, who cares about the environment? Only tree hugging socialist hippies libtards right? Nobody wants to be seen in that light right? Like Bachmann says, Co2 is healthy to breath! I guess you wingnuts are so tough you don't really need clean air, food, and water? These slimeballs are just a bunch of lawless anarchists in suits. Their emergence is proof that Americans are getting more and more stupid.

- say what? - 10-14-2012 06:21 AM

would you like for it these programs to just go broke? They need reform and reform is what people like paul ryan have proposed-- not shutiing donw the programs.

- Megan ♥ - 10-14-2012 06:21 AM

Just because somebody wants something, does not mean they are going to get it.