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Is internet activism actually worth anything? - Printable Version

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Is internet activism actually worth anything? - Brave Duck - 02-19-2014 12:26 PM

I've seen a lot of "activists" on social media websites who all seem to have a lot to say, but not really anything valid or overly useful, and I feel they mostly just state the obvious and re-hash the same tired points. So I inquire; is activism actually worth anything, or is it merely a self-esteem boost to the ethically insecure to project their emotions with?

I am talking about most internet activism in general, but in-particularly referring to things like Tumblr's social justice blogs.

Any answers on this, good or bad would be vastly appreciated.

- Chase - 02-19-2014 12:31 PM

No, The only activists that do or make a difference in anything are 'hacktivists'. They hack social media sites/accounts. You may have heard if SEA, they are hacktivists that actually got shit done.

- chubbyWatcher438 - 02-19-2014 12:40 PM

The Internet has been used to gather numbers to actually do things in the real world. It is mostly used to get the word out but can be a motivator.
Don't knock what you can't see. Blogs & the social media aren't the only things out there.